25,000 m of Janojet 3522 conduit supplied for Saint-Lazare station

A large-scale project launched by the SNCF (French Railways) to refurbish Saint-Lazare station, the oldest in the French capital.

Work to refurbish Saint-Lazare station in Paris was begun several years ago and Janojet 3522 conduit, which had just been approved at that time, was chosen for routing the electric cables.

The design office had recommended using a fire-resistant conduit to comply with EN 61386-22 for the vertical and horizontal cable runs. This solution reduced the installation time and saved a great deal of time compared to conventional cable tray or cable track solutions, as it did not require earthing.

Once connected with a sleeve, the conduit shows good connection integrity and load handling between sectionsof conduit. In a structure to refurbish of the size of Saint-Lazare station, the Janojet 3522 was always easy to install, especially where getting around the numerous structural obstacles was concerned.

In total, 25,000 m of Janojet conduit were supplied to the site. Its extreme flexibility made it very easy to support using rails fixed to the ceiling with two threaded rods, a feat that is difficult to achieve with cable trays. Furthermore, if cables need changing, the conduit remains easily accessible because it is surface-mounted and does not need to be enclosed in fireproof ducting.

The Saint-Lazare station will always be one of our tertiary sector references because it cemented Janojet 3522’s reputation after its launch.

Jano Groupe Elydan est le créateur de ce produit

Source of the article: Electromagazine issue 45 – June/July 2011 edition

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